Window Energy Meter with SHGC Demonstration



Demonstrate the SHGC performance of your glass right in front of your customers’ eyes.  Simply slide glass samples into the opening of the meter and the UV Transmission %, Visible Light Transmittance, and SHGC performance will be immediately displayed.

The Labelled Performance Numbers (shown above) Help Prove to your Prospects that your Window will Benefit Them:

  • By the UV Performance number, the words “Fading Protection” remind customers that your window will protect their valuable belongings from UV damage.
  • By the Visible Performance number, the words “Natural Daylight” remind customers that your window will still let in pleasant, natural light even while blocking the detrimental aspects of the sun’s rays
  • By the SHCG number, the words “Heating & Cooling Costs ” bring the discussion back to the almighty dollar reminding them that your window product will keep more dollars in their own pockets.

The Window Energy Meter Displays Three Energy Performance Measurements:

UV Transmission Percentage
we2500 display uv
Low Number = More Fading Protection


Visible Light Transmittance (VLT %)
we2500 display visible
High Number = Pleasant, Natural Light


Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
we2500 display shgc
Low Number = Lower Bills $

No Light Sources Necessary

Unlike traditional transmission meters, the Window Energy Meter does not have to be calibrated to a light source before conducting a measurement. The three displays automatically self-calibrate to “100%” when the meter is turned on, and simultaneously display performance measurements when a glass sample is slid into the meter’s opening.  No power cords and no light sources make for a smooth, professional demonstration.

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