EDTM is a company based in USA who manufactures most of crucial testing equipment for glass sector, window film and window. EDTM is proudly a biggest and most respectful manufacturer worldwide in this field. SGS Australian PTY Ltd has been tightly cooperating with EDTM for almost 15 years, experiencing so many succeeded sales, providing valuable consultation services to partners and been norminated as his official distributor in Australia

 Glass-Chek ELITE The Best Glass Replacement Tool On The Market Now Detecting Laminated Glass!   The Glass-Chek ELITE is suited perfectly for glass replacement, but it’s perfect for many other applications as well. Whether you’re installing or servicing in the field, spot checking in production, or inspecting a building, the Glass-Chek ELITE simply gives you...

UPGRADE OF MODEL #GC3000 TO THE MODEL # GC3001 — Glass Replacement Made Easy — With one push of a button, the Glass-Chek PRO tells you the exact replacement IG unit to order!  The Glass-Chek PRO is suited perfectly for glass replacement, but it’s perfect for many other applications as well. Whether you’re installing or...

The CM1030 detects any conductive surface, including Low-E coatings on single sheets of glass. Simply press the meter against a piece of glass to determine whether the surface you are touching contains any conductive (Low-E) coatings.

ETEKT + Low-E Detector The ETEKT + has been serving an important role for glaziers worldwide for nearly 25 years: locate invisible Low-E coatings on IG units with a definitive, non-destructive test. With the release of the AE1601 (second generation ETEKT+), we’ve made some improvements to the reliability and temperature stability of the meter without...

The AE3600 Single Pane Low-E Detector checks both surfaces of single pane glass with one test from a single side. The AE3600 is optimized for testing sheets of glass in the factory.  With one push of a button, users can determine if the meter is contacting the Low-E surface or if the coating is on surface two. There is no need to conduct a test on both surfaces of glass - a real time saver in production.

“R-Chek +” Four Point Sheet Resistance Meter Remove all doubt and be sure that your product is properly coated… without breaking the bank!  EDTM is proud to offer budget-friendly Four Point Sheet Resistance Meters that are calibrated to standards that are traceable to a NIST traceable source. The resistance of a thin film/coating is directly proportional to...

“R-Chek” Four Point Sheet Resistance Meter Remove all doubt and be sure that your product is properly coated… without breaking the bank!  EDTM is proud to offer budget-friendly Four Point Sheet Resistance Meters that are calibrated to standards that are traceable to a NIST traceable source.   The resistance of a thin film/coating is directly proportional to...

Solar Spectrum Meter Tell The Whole Story Of Your Glass, Window Or Film’s Performance Other meters on the market today do not have the capability of measuring as much of the solar spectrum range as the SS2450 instrument.  These other meters give a representation of performance based upon a smaller range, which results in errors....

The Spectrum Detective Product Demonstration Click here to see video Related Links SD2400 User Manual Any salesperson can open up their own product literature and give statistics about their window, but the Spectrum Detective will help you stand apart from other salespeople and shed a positive light on your window product.  The SD2400 allows you...

Strengthened / Tempered Glass Detector Confirm if your single or double pane glass has been strengthened.   Strengthened glass can include Heat Strengthened Glass, Tempered Glass and Safety Glass. It is also sometimes referred to as “Toughened Glass.”  Test single or multiple panes – on double pane glass, you can test both panes at the same time....

Tin Side Detector Lamp Our Tin Side Detector (Model# TS1301) allows you to determine the tin side of float glass. The instrument can test clear float glass or glass that has other specialty coatings applied to it in most applications.  When the lamp is placed on the tin side of the glass, the fluorescing lamp image glows...

Window Energy Meter with SHGC Demonstration   Product Demonstration Video Click here to see video Related Links WE2500 User Manual   Demonstrate the SHGC performance of your glass right in front of your customers’ eyes.  Simply slide glass samples into the opening of the meter and the UV Transmission %, Visible Light Transmittance, and SHGC performance will...

Window Energy Pro Demonstrate the energy efficiency of your window product.  The EP3500 is specifically designed for large scale presentations or show room displays. The bright and bold LED displays ensure that your performance numbers can be seen from a long distance. The unit also comes with a power cord to ensure you can easily...

Window Energy Profiler Tests Windows In-Frame Test the energy performance of installed windows.  The WP4500 displays four real-time measurements of windows: the estimated SHGC value along with the UV, Visible Light, and Infrared Transmission values.   The Window Energy Profiler has a large enough opening to fit over the window sash of an installed window. Product Demonstration...

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